I have some appliances that are my go-to tools for making life easier- my immersion blender, bread machine and toaster oven are a few. At appliancepulse.com they’ve come up with a list of what they consider the eight counter-top appliances people can’t do without.
They are:
- coffee machine
- microwave
- toaster oven/toaster
- blender
- food processor
- stand mixer
- rice cooker
- juicer
I’ll stand by numbers 2-5, but my coffeemaker can stand idle for weeks at a time, I haven’t used my juicer in about 8 years (Don’t ask me, I don’t know why I keep it.) and I don’t own and see no need to own a rice steamer.
Everyone’s cooking style is different and families’ needs change. Things we can’t seem to do without -the juicer- become clutter in the closet and some appliances that seemed impossible forty or fifty years ago are standard in the most basic kitchens today – the microwave.
What are you using daily at your house? We’d love to hear from you.