This is possibly another way to view appliance recycling and is definitely a way to save money.
Reverse logistics- this is the business of taking merchandise that has been returned by customers or overstocked by retailers or has been cosmetically damaged and finding a market for it. Reverse logistics can keep appliances out of landfills. What some people see as damaged (a slightly dented washer or fridge) becomes a bargain for someone else. Reverse Logistics Executive Council can help you learn more about how the process is part of being “green.” is a subsidiary of Appliance Recycling Centers of America (ARCA), and has locations in five states. ApplianceSmart sells factory overruns and manufacturer closeouts as well as those appliances with slight imperfections. My neighbor bought a beautiful front loading washer and dryer from this type of outlet and got them for a fraction of the retail price. Both the washer and dryer were new and worked perfectly, but they had slight scratches on their sides. She planned for them to be in a closet and the scratches will never show. A great deal!